2024-07-31 The Wonder Of It All


Wednesdays With Wonders start here with this uplifting tune. The audio track is below the video.. The Wonder Of It All Lyrics (C) 2024 Paul WorshamMusic (C) 2024 Parua LLC [verse]You woke up this morning, sun shining brightJust a new…

041 Look

Another no video no lyric song, hi-energy experimental. Tech Notes: Made with Sony ACID Xpress 5, drum loops, guitar clips, and other sounds. UPDATE: Free MP3 song file download – Look

035 Cool Dreaming

What to do… when my voice is not up for smooth singing? Many retakes, and a huskier tone, perhaps Cool dreamingLyrics (c) 2008 Paul F Worsham a concious all undoneknocking on your doorcomes something of a friendinside your place once…

034 There’s A Place

A longer song than most earlier ones, with more of a regular song structure of V-C-V-C-B-C. Took more than 3 times as long to record as it did to write… writing was about 20 minutes. There’s A PlaceLyrics (c) 2008…

032 (and other missing days)

(content pending rewrite) Now in counting songs, there is some (sorta easy) math required to add up the current number of days of the year. UPDATE: the one-song-per-day effort in 2008 missed a day, and then another, and then another……

028 One More Day

The lyrics and free mp3 song download are below. The video rendering is still an issue, for now. One More DayLyrics (c) 2008 she smiles her wierd smileand then gives up on mecause of what I could do then she…

026 On Valentines Day (song)

The romantic song about hope for Valentine’s Day. Free mp3 download is available below the word Attachment. (UPDATE: site migration did not copy mp3’s). On Valentine’s Day ————————————— Lyrics (original post had the lyrics split above, to the right, and below…