017 Open Again

Funny how equipment works when you pay better attention… nice when that happens, too. The song today is longer than other early ones, and is a vocal. The format (songwriter-speak here) is V-B-C-V which is a first for me. Maybe ever?

The lyrics will be posted… or maybe in the members area.

The free download mp3 file should appear below the word Attachment… first I have to trim off a few extra seconds at the end.

Tech notes: same HP laptop (Vista OS) with Sony Acid 7, a Behringer mixer for the mic, guitar effects using a Box DA5, vocal effects using Acid reverb, etc. Epiphone guitar played & recorded live (multiple takes), layered drum loops. Video clips mixed using Windows Movie Maker.

UPDATE: This video was another one posted in 2008 on Blip.tv, which was shut down a few years later. Luckily the video was also posted the next day on YouTube – embedded below:

Open Again – video

The embed code from the original SongDaily.com site post:

<p><center> </p>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://blip.tv/scripts/pokkariPlayer.js?ver=2007111701“></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://blip.tv/syndication/write_player?skin=js&posts_id=612448&source=3&autoplay=true&file_type=flv&player_width=0&player_height=0“></script><div id=”blip_movie_content_612448″> <a rel=”enclosure” href=”http://blip.tv/file/get/SongDaily-017OpenAgain167.wmv” onclick=”play_blip_movie_612448(); return false;”><img title=”Click to play” alt=”Video thumbnail. Click to play” src=”http://blip.tv/file/get/SongDaily-017OpenAgain167.wmv.jpg” border=”0″ title=”Click To Play – Song Daily” /></a> <br /> <a rel=”enclosure” href=”http://blip.tv/file/get/SongDaily-017OpenAgain167.wmv” onclick=”play_blip_movie_612448(); return false;”>Click To Play – Song Daily</a> </div>